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About Klompien Red Angus


Klompien Red Angus was established in 1990, when Dave & I (Kay) purchased all of the CK Red Angus replacements and leased the rest of the CK herd. Mom and Dad (Clint & Doris Kallestad) established CK Red Angus in 1968 – over 57 years ago. The last 57 years have been committed to producing reputation cattle that are backed by integrity. We believe in longevity in


our cattle and longevity in the business.

Dave was raised with Polled Herefords and then later on a dairy. However, today he is totally sold on the Red Angus breed. He appreciates the focus on the relevant traits and, once being in the dairy business has absolutely no tolerance for poor udders.

Currently we run 200 mother cows and retain about 70 replacement heifers. The mama cow has always been the foundation of Klompien Red Angus; from mothering traits, excellent udders, dispositions, calving ability with performance and structural soundness. Each cow is required to meet very high standards within the herd. We strive to continually improve our cattle with the help of new technology and new genetics. Problems (including feet, udders, attitudes, structure, fertility and calving) are simply eliminated. This philosophy increases the probability of buyer satisfaction; along with continuing to build the ultimate cow herd. The Klompien Red Angus Herd is composed of well-balanced, maternal, functional cattle. Extremes are avoided. Building the breed as a whole is also

important, so I have served in several positions on the Montana Red Angus Board of Directors along with being active in state and local cattle organizations. I am also currently serving on the National Red Angus Board as the Montana Director. 


This is a family business. The Lord has blessed us with daughters Renee and Kara along with son-in-laws Brad (who happens to be allergic to cows) and Paul; all who are essential to the success of the operation. Both Dave and my parents are also appreciated as they lend helpful hands and run many last-minute errands. Please feel free to contact either Dave or I at your convenience. We would love to visit with you and show off our cattle. Many priceless friendships have been developed in our cattle business journey; we are always up for more.


Thank You for your interest in the Klompien Red Angus Program.

Dave & Kay Klompien & Family

8129 Amsterdam Road, Manhattan, MT 59741 Dave 406-581-4043 • Kay 406-581-2126

© 2024 by Klompien Red Angus. Proudly created by MandyPants Designs

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